Tiny Tips 2 – Light Study

Study the play of light on your subject! Remember that light travels in straight lines and casts shadows: the stronger the light, the darker the shadows. A good photograph depends on an aesthetic balance of your highlights and shadows! Happy…

More Portrait Resources!

I hadn’t checked out Photography Voter before I made my post yesterday, about how you’ll get better expressions if you can get people to look at you “through the lens”. I just did, and look at what I found. Just…

Tiny Tips 11: To the New Enthusiast

A message to the enthusiast: Photography can either be a serious hobby, or a profession. Whatever the status of Photography in your life, know the power of Creativity that this form of ‘Art’ places in your ‘Hands’. You will do…

Tiny Tips 9: On Composition

You are a photographer, so remember that you have a powerful tool of creativity in your hands… the Camera! Try to create a masterpiece every time you click. How? Take the composition and balance in your photographs seriously. Follow the…