Susheel Chandradhas

Susheel Chandradhas

Susheel Chandradhas is a Product Photographer and Filmmaker based in India. He has been taking photographs (almost) all his life. He has a diploma and a bachelors degree in Visual Communication, where his classmates all believed that he would write a book on photography... Instead, he writes on this website (because - isn't a community more fun?).His passions include photography, parkour, wide-angle lenses, blue skies, fire extinguishers, and fast computers.In addition to writing for Beyond Photo Tips, Susheel is a staff writer for, and owns and runs ColoursAlive, a photography, and video production studio.You can connect with Susheel on Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn.
Affinity by Serif, Now acquired by

Affinity Acquired by

Today, Affinity and Canva, together announced the acquisition of Serif, the makers of the Affinity apps, by Canva. This is a significant development in the progress of the Affinity suite, and we are both excited, and hesitant at this development.