Tiny Tips 1: Drawing with Light

Photography literally means drawing with light… to take good photographs you have to study light and the play of light on your subject. You can also play with light, like TIO… has done here. Look forward to “Tiny Tips” on…

Learn How to Use Photoshop

Learn How to Use Photoshop

Among the greatest and most popular image editing software tools ever made, Adobe Photoshop has moved from being a name, to being a verb. “That’s Photoshopped” is a phrase that we’ve all heard, that refers to an image that is…

12 Ways to Better Photography

12 Ways To Take A Better Picture

Three years in the Advertising business, and 16 in photography, have convinced me that ideas are really powerful and that a photograph that has a strong idea is the most powerful tool to convey a message. A strong idea is…

Digital Takes Over Film for professionals too..

Where have all the dark rooms gone? Gone to graveyards, every one… Yes, that’s what is happening today… every one of the professional film developing and printing studios, especially the manual ones, have closed down… replaced by computerised labs that…

Digital Panoramas

Creating panoramic images is fun; especially when you can use a digital camera. The time-consuming and painstaking process of developing, scanning, color matching and only then stitching the images together. With digital images, you can take the photographs, stitch them…

It Has Got to Connect!

Photographs have an unnatural power over people. At first glance, they are slices of time that have been frozen forever to be recollected upon command. However, the reality is quite different. The images are never quite a perfect recollection of…